WOW. Felix and Leeleng, this should be the FIRST time you commented my blog ever since you knew I've got a blog huh. I'm actually quite surprising eh. HAHA.
Don't worry, I'm not really emo lah. I just had some thoughts and feelings over the chat with that day. Just recalled how much she hurt me then, and just wanted to write it down that's all. I've told you before, but I think you've forgotten already.
Another thing, that makes me really feel appreciated is during Instructors' Day in camp. They actually nominated me for the Best Instructors' Award. I was one of the few who got nominated. I don't recalling going on stage getting any prizes/awards in my life.
I didn't mind the foolish sexy pose that i striked in front of all my trainees and the whole camp. But this is my first batch of recruits I'm taking, and this is of very high importance to me. Most of them looked up to me. I always thought I sucked in this role, was the lousiest sergeant around.
But this just told me i'm doing the right things and heading the right direction. Hasn't wasted my efforts in smiling and treating them well. Thanks to them. Am really touched. :)
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