Monday, June 30, 2008




Went to Shanel's condo to have a BBQ farewell party for her and Liling, who are going to Australia to further their nurses' studies. And as well to celebrate Tricia Koh's birthday at midnight.

Many people went. Kelvin, Felix, Tong Kiat, Weili, Andy, Junlong & gf, and Caleen & her dog, Pupu. Her dog was so cute and mini-sized. But i didn't dared to carry her dog. Not because i'm scared of dogs, but because i'm afraid a big-sized me would exert too much force on such a vulnerable small-sized puppy (yes, a better description i suppose). And Felix is like totally in love with Pupu lah, he's carrying and playing with it all night long.

Kelvin revealed to me on how Caleen abuses Pupu. And I still recalled on how Tricia sexually abused her dog. Poor Pupu kena bullied by the pervertic females, tsk tsk tsk. "Hi, is this SPCA?" :)

Helped to buy alot of supplies, and food stuffs. And huge thanks to Kelvin Goh and to Jun Long for bbq-ing our food! Really must salute him, the food surprising taste nice! Haha!

Had lots of food, i predict i would be sick again. SPEAKING OF SICK, that stupid Weili keep using "being sick" as an excuse and do whatever he wants! He said he's sick and cannot eat those BBQ stuffs, and there he is munching food away!

"Eh i sick leh, see i bring water bottle out. Just now i driving test so sick until nearly kena knock by car leh." This is what he kept telling me, giving the very sympathetic face, holding to his water bottle acting away! You see him you sure wanna beat him up. Haha!

Then they opened up some Carlsberg and drank. I didn't drink like usual. If i could not to, i try not to. All of us sat down and eat/drink while we chat. Many hours passed, and even the many security guards came to chase us off.

The clock hits 12. Cal and Nel came down with the very delicious chocolate-flavoured cake me and Felix chose. Freaking good choice. All of us took a couple of scoops, and scurried off. If the security guards will come nagging away, yet again.

Shared the cab with the ladies. Reached home and slept like 2am, when i have work and gotta wake up like 6.45PM. I really put friends above all, man.


Kaypo session again. Remember Miss X that i've mentioned few posts away? Today's her last day. But she's a damn weirdo today.

She's in a freaking bad mood, nobody knows why. I wanted to return her file, and then asked her "Eh why you want me to put the file ah?". She didn't looked at or spoke to me, with the back facing me, then shrugged her shoulders. I really feel like giving her a tight slap at that moment!

Vendor came. Poor vendor lah, she totally ignored the lady like nobody's there. The lady stood there waiting for like 3 minutes. I wanted to attend to the lady, but i didn't know if i could help. What's wrong with her lah.

And the worst thing is
.. From the time i started work (8.30AM), her computer screen was at desktop (no other screens), and she's doing totally nothing staring at blank space (i'm serious) until she was allowed to leave early at 5 plus. She ignores EVERYONE. WTF MAN! I'd rather she played some games.

She stormed off after she requested to leave earlier. My supervisor would be glad to release her off early. The very moment she left, my supervisor got up her seat, smiling widely, shaking the hands to everybody, saying "Congratulate me please, 1 year already!" I really can feel the happiness oozing from her, she said that this is even better than striking lottery. I understand lah, just one day i cannot tolerate her already, what about a year of tolerance?

Btw, i extended my job to another 1 month, since my supervisor liked me that much. My title is now Assistant Buyer okay! And luckily that "very nice guy" colleague is going off soon, really buay tahan. Imagine you get to listen to "Eh time's up to go off" every single day, with those heck-care attitude towards work, and the trying-to-help-me-but-make-things-worse scenario really drives me crazy. This complain, that also complain. Whatever lah. Should come ask me what are the few words i wanna tell him.

Nuff said, long post already.


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Shawn Lee

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